It’s been a few weeks but the world is still reeling from the death of Glee’s star Cory Monteith.

Substance Abuse CaliforniaAs was expected his death was a result of substance and alcohol abuse and the sad truth was that the result wasn’t a surprise for many, as Cory was very open about his life, about his use of drugs and his addiction to it. He was even open about his stint in rehab, but it seems that even though he was trying to put his life back in order, the pull of the drug was just too hard to resist that he stumbled and fell into the same old routine that finally led to his death.

Demi Lovato, another celebrity who’s had her share of problems with substance abuse said that “Cory didn’t choose to die…. It is the disease”, and perhaps she is right, truthfully, who wants to die, right? Especially when he has his life ahead of him, he had so much promise and there’s so much for him to look forward to, he may not have chosen to die but die he did.

Such a waste of a life, such a tragedy to see one die so young, just because he wasn’t able to control himself, just because maybe his last thoughts were one last hit, one last sip and he will  be okay and he will stop. You may see a lot of celebrities, even Cory check in to rehab, check in to California detox treatments, yet the death toll seems to be rising and they seem to be getting younger too.

Despite all the tragedy, one may also realize that a drug addict can indeed be rehabilitated, they can change and get over their addiction, but only with the help and loving support of the people around him and a real desire to stop.

Change may come when the person hit rock bottom and there’s nowhere else to turn and the realization comes. Getting checked into a California detox program through voluntarily check in, an intervention by a loved one or a court order can be the first step towards healing and the hope, that anyone who is suffering from this disease, this addiction that the help comes at the right time, before it’s too late, before the body becomes nothing but the mortal remains of a tattered soul who lost the battle.