Archive for March, 2014

Most, if not all, of those who have tried to quit smoking would say that quitting smoking is not easy. True, but difficulty does not mean impossibility. It can be done. According to a California rehabilitation facility, the secret to doing it successfully is knowing exactly what you are up against, knowing your options, and where to go for help.

To begin with, you should first have the resolution to quit. To do this, you must understand the reason why you should quit. There are many reasons why you should quit smoking; among these are the risk of lung cancer and the probability of having a longer life.


Understanding Nicotine

Next, once you have resolved within yourself that you would already quit smoking, you must know what you are up against, which is nicotine. Nicotine is the culprit behind the difficulty in quitting smoking. Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco, which is highly addictive. Thus, where a person smokes, and thereby exposes himself continuously to the substance, his body becomes physically and psychologically dependent on it.  Thus, a successful quitter must overcome both this physical and psychological addiction to nicotine.

This addiction to nicotine can be explained by the fact that nicotine produces pleasurable feelings. These feelings induce a smoker to want to smoke more. At the same time, nicotine also acts as a depressant by interfering with the flow of information between nerve cells. The body, particularly the nervous system, learns to adapt to nicotine, thereby causing smokers to increase the number of cigarettes they smoke, and hence the amount of nicotine in their blood. This would, in time, help a smoker to develop a tolerance to the substance, which in turn leads to an increase in consumption of cigarettes.

How to Say No to Nicotine

Unfortunately for a smoker, nicotine is not easily excreted out of the body. This is because of various factors which also affect a person’s metabolism. Generally, a person who smokes will have nicotine or its by-products present in his body for about three to four days after stopping its intake.  Thus, the longer it stays in the body, the easier it is for the body to get used to the pleasurable feelings it brings, and the harder it would be for a smoker to let go.

There are several ways to quit smoking and say goodbye to nicotine. You can opt for healthier alternatives, seek help from successful quitters, or consult with experts from a reliable California rehabilitation facility. For more information, visit

It is not surprising to us that every country, nation, and society has individuals – young or old – who practice taking drugs without proper medical supervision. It is true that many young people take and experiment drugs because, according to them, “They are just curious.” These youngsters think that using and abusing drugs make them more powerful and authoritative.

Drug Addiction

Defining Drug Addiction

According to Murdock Ritchie of Yale University School of Medicine, drug addiction is a compulsive use of a certain drug in greater amounts than are used in ordinary therapeutic practice and is harmful to the individual, to society, or to both.

When taking drugs became a craving, a person will develop a tolerance to the drug, so that it becomes a necessity to a drug addict to increase doses in order to produce a desired effect.

If an addict withdrew himself from taking drugs, symptoms such as severe leg and abdominal cramps, muscular twitching, vomiting, and diarrhea will occur. He will become restless and irritable, not be able to relax, and sweat profusely. It is also difficult for him to rest or sleep if the drug is withdrew from his system.

Most Commonly Abused Drugs

Below are the most commonly abused drugs and some of their effects on the body, according to rehab centers in California.

• Marijuana – People who abuse this drug tends to be forgetful of the things they said, even just a few minutes ago. They are unable to concentrate on what they are doing or what they are saying.

• Cocaine – This drug, if abused, makes a person experience a temporary sense of happiness and tends to increase energy.

• Stimulants – This type of drug makes a drug user more confident and awake.

• Depressants – Continuous use of these drugs causes unconsciousness and even death.

• Hallucinogenic drugs – Users of these drugs will have ‘hallucinations’ when used continuously.

• Angel dust – It causes the users to be confused that may lead to accidents and their rage may lead to violence.

• Heroin – This is the most dangerous type of drug because it causes not only tolerance, but also physical dependence.

• Vapors – These may be consumed by inhaling. These cause violent behavior, excitement, and will lead to unconsciousness.

Drug Abuse Treatment

Treating drug abuse patients requires hard work, time, and complete effort. The best solution is to bring drug addicts to rehab centers in California to get comprehensive treatment from professional doctors and therapists. One reliable rehab center that you can consider is the Pax House. To know more about the institution and the service they provide, visit

Seeing someone you love destroying his or her life due to drug addiction is a painful experience. However, you can give your loved one a chance of living a positive life by knowing the ways of helping out. Dealing with substance abuse is never easy, especially when you truly care about someone. It takes a lot of patience and understanding for you to help someone regain the life he or she has lost.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Talking Sensibly

Most drug addicts will never talk about their addiction. However, this is the first step of helping out. By knowing the ways to approach your loved one, you can convince him or her to go into a treatment center in California. Remember that confrontational conversations do not work. Your loved one may be easily angered, making all things worst. Talk to your loved one calmly without any hint of judgment. If possible, talk to him or her about the reason of addiction.

Knowing the Signs and Symptoms

You will know the severity of the addiction once you see the different signs and symptoms that your loved one manifests. One of the most noticeable sign is the sudden change of behavior. He or she may be too happy or too angered only by simple things. Also, his or her behavior may change. The sleeping pattern, diet, and physical activities may change all too suddenly, as well.

Aside from behavioral and psychological signs, several symptoms can also be observed. A sudden weight gain or weight loss may be a symptom of drug abuse. He or she may have red eyes, dilated pupils, and slurred speech, and skin discolorations.

Seeking Help

There is no one-cure for drug addiction. Your loved one can be thoroughly treated by letting him or her be confined in a treatment center in California. Treatment centers have all the skills, knowledge, and tools to diagnose and treat your loved one from drug addiction. Of course, your moral support is very important. By letting your loved one know that you are with him or her every step of the way, he or she can cope up easily. For more information about helping a drug abuse victim, visit

Substance abuse is a worldwide scare. Every country has to solve issues with their citizens suffering from drug addiction. Substance abuse, or simply known as drug abuse, is defined as consuming harmful substances at an amount higher than the safety standards. It also includes being dependent on a particular substance, similar to non-medical terms. The definition actually is so broad that it takes a worldwide phenomenon – where more and more people are becoming victims. In fact, the substance abuse in California alone continues to rise despite efforts to create awareness of it.

Addiction Treatment

Cases in Europe

The Telegraph news reported that Britain is now the ‘addiction capital of Europe’ as tagged by the Centre of Social Justice. The country’s cases of drug and alcohol addiction summed up to a total of £36 billion a year. In England, a total of 6,486 patients have undergone medical treatments from the year 2011 until 2012; this is 39 percent higher than the cases gathered in 2005. The mortality rate from substance abuse also increased from 29 to 52 percent in England and Wales.

Cases in the United States

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there were about 1 million Americans who have HIV/AIDS, and one-third of the patients were linked to directly or indirectly injection of drugs. In the year 2003, it was found out that more than 11,326 of the 43,171 cases of AIDS involve injection of drugs.

Drug Abuse in Asia

In a recent study published at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the estimated rates of drug abuse in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Thailand Vietnam, and Myanmar is 2 percent. This is far different from any other countries as the prevalence rate of drug abuse is less than 0.01 percent. Also, in a separate study conducted by the same agency in September 2002, Asian men drink significantly more than Asian women. Also, cigarette smoking is increasingly more prevalent among both genders.

Substance use is truly a worldwide scare. That is why the awareness should not be focused on substance abuse in California alone. To know more about drug addiction, visit

Substance abuse is a culprit to the society because it destroys the lives of millions of people. Recovering from substance abuse is hard, so it is better to practice preventive measures instead. All people are susceptible to drug abuse especially when they are exposed to social pressures and personal challenges. The healthcare professionals at different rehab centers in California recommend these practices that may help in avoiding substance addiction.

Preventive Measures to Stop Substance Abuse

Healthy Ways to Handle Stress

Stress and tensions are inevitable. People do have different coping mechanisms with them, but there are healthy ways of handling stress. Instead of taking in alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, it may be a good idea to choose other channels to cope up. By talking to people, hanging out with friends, doing exercise, and meditation, for examples, you can handle stress in a healthier way. These will also avoid any urge to try addictive substances.

Professional Counseling

Most people think that talking to a professional means suffering from a mental or psychological condition. There is no truth behind this belief. In fact, talking to an expert may be the best step to avoid addiction. It is common for people to feel low at times, even feel depressed when something goes wrong in their life. A professional with years of knowledge and experience can help out with long-term therapy so that when the same emotions strike back, handling them will be easier than before.

Maintaining a Happy Life

Positivity is a great way to focus on the good things and avoiding the bad stuff. Maintaining a happy lifestyle promises great outlook in life. As a result, the idea of succumbing into addictive substances may be reduced. Achieving a happy life is easy. Hanging out with positive people, doing happy things and living a healthy lifestyle are just few of the ways to be happy.

Know the Consequences

It is also good to know the consequences associated with substance abuse. It is not just about reducing the quality of life. The over-all wellness of a person is also compromised as the body becomes dependent to the harmful substances.

It is true when people say that prevention is better than cure. To avoid potential problems, it is best to stay away from them. For more information about substance abuse, visit the rehab centers in California or go to